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Reading and reshuffling of C3S soil moisture Written in Python.


Setup of a complete environment with conda can be performed using the following commands:

git clone git@github.com:TUW-GEO/c3s_sm.git c3s_sm
cd c3s_sm
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate c3s_sm

Supported Products

At the moment this package supports C3S soil moisture data in netCDF format (reading and time series creation) with a spatial sampling of 0.25 degrees.


We are happy if you want to contribute. Please raise an issue explaining what is missing or if you find a bug. We will also gladly accept pull requests against our master branch for new features or bug fixes.

Development setup

For Development we also recommend a conda environment. You can create one including test dependencies and debugger by running conda env create -f environment.yml. This will create a new c3s_sm environment which you can activate by using source activate c3s_sm.


If you want to contribute please follow these steps:

  • Fork the c3s_sm repository to your account
  • Clone the repository, make sure you use git clone --recursive to also get the test data repository.
  • make a new feature branch from the c3s_sm master branch
  • Add your feature
  • Please include tests for your contributions in one of the test directories. We use py.test so a simple function called test_my_feature is enough
  • submit a pull request to our master branch


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 2.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see http://pyscaffold.readthedocs.org/.

Reading C3S SM images

Reading of the C3S SM raw netcdf files can be done in two ways.

Reading by file name

import os
from datetime import datetime
from c3s_sm.interface import C3SImg
import numpy.testing as nptest

# read several parameters
parameter = ['sm', 'sm_uncertainty']
# the class is initialized with the exact filename.
image_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'c3s_sm-test-data',
                          'img', 'ICDR', '060_dailyImages', 'combined', '2017')
image_file = 'C3S-SOILMOISTURE-L3S-SSMV-COMBINED-DAILY-20170701000000-ICDR-v201706.0.0.nc'
img = C3SImg(os.path.join(image_path, image_file), parameter=parameter)

# reading returns an image object which contains a data dictionary
# with one array per parameter. The returned data is a global 0.25 degree
# image/array.
image = img.read()

assert image.data['sm'].shape == (720, 1440)
assert image.lon.shape == (720, 1440)
assert image.lon.shape == image.lat.shape
assert image.lon[0, 0] == -179.875
assert image.lat[0, 0] == 89.875
assert sorted(image.data.keys()) == sorted(parameter)
assert(image.metadata['sm']['long_name'] == 'Volumetric Soil Moisture')
nptest.assert_almost_equal(image.data['sm'][167, 785], 0.14548, 4)

Reading by date

All the C3S SM data in a directory structure can be accessed by date. The filename is automatically built from the given date.

from c3s_sm.interface import C3S_Nc_Img_Stack

parameter = 'sm'
img = C3S_Nc_Img_Stack(data_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                                                'tests', 'c3s_sm-test-data', 'img',
                                                'ICDR', '061_monthlyImages', 'passive'),

image = img.read(datetime(2017, 7, 1, 0))

nptest.assert_almost_equal(image.data['sm'][167, 785], 0.23400, 4)

For reading all image between two dates the c3s_sm.interface.C3S_Nc_Img_Stack.iter_images() iterator can be used.

Conversion to time series format

For a lot of applications it is favorable to convert the image based format into a format which is optimized for fast time series retrieval. This is what we often need for e.g. validation studies. This can be done by stacking the images into a netCDF file and choosing the correct chunk sizes or a lot of other methods. We have chosen to do it in the following way:

  • Store only the reduced gaußian grid points since that saves space.

  • Further reduction the amount of stored data by saving only land points if selected.

  • Store the time series in netCDF4 in the Climate and Forecast convention Orthogonal multidimensional array representation

  • Store the time series in 5x5 degree cells. This means there will be 2566 cell files (1001 when reduced to land points) and a file called grid.nc which contains the information about which grid point is stored in which file. This allows us to read a whole 5x5 degree area into memory and iterate over the time series quickly.


This conversion can be performed using the c3s_repurpose command line program. An example would be:

c3s_repurpose /c3s_images /timeseries/data 2000-01-01 2001-01-01 sm sm_uncertainty --land_points True

Which would take C3S SM data stored in /c3s_images from January 1st 2000 to January 1st 2001 and store the parameters for soil moisture and its uncertainty of points marked as ‘land’ in the smecv-grid as time series in the folder /timeseries/data.

Note: If a RuntimeError: NetCDF: Bad chunk sizes. appears during reshuffling, consider downgrading the netcdf4 C-library via:

conda install -c conda-forge libnetcdf== --yes

Conversion to time series is performed by the repurpose package in the background. For custom settings or other options see the repurpose documentation and the code in c3s_sm.reshuffle.

Reading converted time series data

For reading the data the c3s_repurpose command produces the class C3STs can be used:

from c3s_sm.interface import C3STs
ds = C3STs(ts_path)
# read_ts takes either lon, lat coordinates or a grid point indices.
# and returns a pandas.DataFrame
ts = ds.read_ts(45, 15)

Variable names for C3S Soil Moisture

C3S SM variables as in the netcdf image files (and time series from netcdf images) for different products and versions of C3S

  • Combined Product
short_name Parameter Units
freqbandID Frequency Band Identification  
lat Latitude [degrees_north]
lon Longitude [degrees_east]
nobs Number of valid observation  
sensor Sensor Flag  
sm Volumetric Soil Moisture [m3 m-3]
time Time [days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC]

Indices and tables